My practice

Home Practice Is Everything

Home Practice Is Everything


Lori's style of teaching is a blend of styles and she curates her classes to leave the student feeling open, warm hopeful a sense of gratitude for showing up to your mat. Along with her 200 RYT training she has trained and is utlery passionate for the art of Restorative Yoga. While her active yoga classes give the student the movement and strength to connect to breath and one's self. She hopes that by teaching Restorative Yoga and incorporating Restorative yoga in her active classes, it will ignite the desire of her students to find their stillness and peace within. To teach her students that this practice is not a replacement to their active practice but an addition to their practice and life. Understanding that the importance of being mindful in silence, stillness, darkness and warmth can give you the openness and space to explore your inner self and bring more joy to your life and to always remember when it's time to hug your bolster, Namaste.

Lori is a:

200hr RYT

Plus over a 100 hours of specialized traingings in Yoga Anatomy and Back Care.

30hr Restorative Training (Lizzie Lasater)

30hr Relax and Renew® level 2 (Judith Hanson Lasater)

Assistant to Judith Hanson Lasater for her Relax and Renew Teacher Training Level 1& Level 2

Supported Childs Pose

Supported Childs Pose

Supported Shoulder Stand. Model Melisa Ryzek

Supported Shoulder Stand